Raising the Bar
for Sand Production

Utilizing patented & proprietary technology, Pony Energy Services has quickly made its mark on the industry by solving sand production problems for countless operations. At Pony Energy, we’re creating a new standard for sand free produced fluids. 

Scalable Solutions for Your Well

To meet the ever changing needs of our industry, Pony Energy Services has not only developed innovative new technology to continually solve these dynamic challenges, but has also built an experienced team of talented and innovative individuals. From on-site training to 24/7 on-call support, we are ready to step in and help seamlessly integrate our solutions into your operations.

Sand Mitigation Specialists

Sand production is full of constantly changing variables and conditions. To equip our partners with the best solutions for any size problem, we have taken our patented systems and divided them to fit individualized needs. We offer a range of sizes, pressure capabilities, and configurations to meet any challenge you might be facing. Reach out to our team to get a quote on how we might be able to collaborate on solutions for you.

Conventional Approach

Individual operators have ever changing variables and challenges in their production system. Instead of guessing what you might be facing, we’d encourage you to look through this chart to see what you would estimate your expenses to be during the different stages of sand production. What would that number be?


The Pony Approach

With our tried and tested spherical and cyclonic Sand Management System, Pony Energy Services helps operations improve their bottom line by avoiding damages, delays, and maintenance. Let one of our specialists go over your operational needs and see how Pony Energy Services can help.